Category Archives: YouTube

In 10 Years

This morning in the true style of procrastination I found myself on YouTube. Nothing about that is unusual – in fact a lot of my laptop time is spent on this one site – but today I stumbled across some really inspiring and thought provoking content by two great YouTubers. Will Darbyshire recently posted his video ‘Twenty Two’ in which he talks about the pressures of being in your twenties, and everything society expects you to achieve in those ten years.

Alfie Deyes then posted a video response to this on his main channel, PointlessBlog, in which he talks about his feelings on the upcoming ten years.

Both Will and Alfie urge their viewers to also consider where they see themselves in 10 years time, so I thought I’d write a few of my own feelings on the topic.

Will talks about the pressure to find love, start a family, and set yourself on a career path, not to mention figuring out who you want to be. That’s a lot to think about. Up until about the end of my first year of university I thought I pretty much had my plan down, but at only 19 I honestly didn’t have a clue as to all the things that are really out there. Only three years on I know I still want to do medicine more than anything else, but I’ve also realised that the rest of my life over the next few years is pretty much liquid. I know I want to graduate and go to medical school, and although that will make up a huge portion of my life there are also so many other things to consider and explore. And that should be exciting. In his video, Alfie talks about the unexpected parts of his life being the most enjoyable, that the fact that you don’t know what’s coming is great, but at times I find it hard to find that excitement, and instead feel a little afraid. As someone who is a self confessed control freak, loves lists and probably looks at the big picture a little too much I often find the future can be overwhelming, but due to recent events in my personal life I am now trying to take the days one at a time, and enjoy each one for what it is. Sure, it’s great to have a plan, but what’s the point if you don’t have time to enjoy life along the way? Hopefully sometime soon I can find a happy medium.

What do you think? Are you a natural planner like me or do you like to live in the moment?

Until next time,
