Infinity Dreams Award

So I was nominated for this award by fellow Blogging101 participant Reawakening ME. Thank you to Jen for nominating me, and congrats on the year back at work!

Here are the instructions for the award:

  • Thank and follow the blog that nominated you for the award.
  • Share 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you created.
  • Create 11 questions for the blogs you wish to nominate.
  • Nominate 11 blogs for the award.

So, here are the facts about me:

  1. I’m currently studying Physiological Sciences at university.
  2. I love all things musical theatre and Les Misérables is my favourite musical of all time.
  3. When I was at school I played the violin, and although I haven’t played it in a long time I do really miss it.
  4. I have one older sister, and one older brother, both of which are over 10 years older than me.
  5. I spent the most memorable part of my childhood summers in Orlando, Florida.
  6. My biggest ambition in life is to become a doctor.
  7. I’m left handed.
  8. Olives are amongst my most hated foods.
  9. I’ve lived in one house, in a small country village for my entire life.
  10. I have never broken a bone.
  11. My biggest fear is probably something bad happening to someone I love.

Here are the questions Jen set for me, along with my answers:

  1. What’s your favourite country you’ve visited? The states will always have a special place in my heart, but I’m going to go with Germany for this one.
  2. What’s the best film you’ve seen in the last year? Guardians of the Galaxy.
  3. Who would you choose to play you in the film of your life? I’ve never really considered this, I guess either Emma Watson or Anna Kendrick. I think they’re both beautiful and brilliant women.
  4. What’s your favourite colour? I don’t really have one, I’m going through a bit of a green phase at the moment though.
  5. Which 3 people (dead or alive) would you invite to a dinner party? Victor Hugo is a definite must. Then I guess Hadley Fraser, and Anna Saccone. This list would probably change on a daily (or even more frequent) basis – these are just three people I really admire and would love to have a conversation with over dinner. I’m not sure how well they would interact with each other though!
  6. Which mode of transport do you use most often? At home it would probably be the car, but at university it’s definitely my own too feet.
  7. If you could have one super power what would it be? Teleportation. I love going to different places and exploring new areas but long journeys aren’t my favourite thing.
  8. How long have you been blogging for? I started my blog in September, so 10 months.
  9. And what inspired you to start writing a blog? I was facing a semester at home due to the fact I was on a medical leave of absence and everyone else was heading back to university. I had been thinking about starting a blog for a long time and this, with a little encouragement from a friend, was enough to make me take the plunge.
  10. What sort of blogs do you most enjoy reading yourself? Blogs that I can strongly identify with, by bloggers I have a major attribute in common with – mostly medical student or university student blogs.
  11. Marmite, love it or hate it?! HATE. That smell. Urgh.

Here are the questions for my nominees to answer:

  1. If you could bring any fictional character to life, who would it be and why?
  2. If you could go anywhere in the world right now where would you go?
  3. List three things that make you smile without fail.
  4. Describe your blog in three words.
  5. If you could have anyone (dead or alive) read your blog who would you pick?
  6. Which Harry Potter character would you be?
  7. What’s your favourite musical? If you don’t like musicals, what is your favourite film?
  8. If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life which one would you choose?
  9. Which person in your life has inspired you most, and helped you become the person you are today?
  10. What’s your biggest ambition/dream in life?
  11. Disney or Universal?

And finally, here are the blogs I am nominating:

Until next time,


2 thoughts on “Infinity Dreams Award

  1. Jen says:

    Thanks for answering my questions, it’s great getting to know people better. I love Les Mis as well, the music is incredible and it makes me cry every time!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for tagging me 🙂 It was a fun one to write.


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